Twelve Earths is a planetary sculpture by Michael Jones McKean, with critical support by Fathomers, which connects twelve sites — a primeval forest, a remote island, a nuclear test site, an observatory, and more — dispersed along a perfect ring encircling the Earth. Over a twelve-year period, Twelve Earths will build a constellation of contact points among people, matter, time, and events, establishing brief and long-form encounters with the geological and technological, with energy and transmutation, with human and non-human, to reveal a complex and multivalent portrait of Earth.

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Clockwise: A detail From Michael Jones McKean’s studio showing a working model for Twelve Earths’ final ring path (photo: Nick Davis)  / View of the Andes Mountains at sunset from the Víctor M. Blanco Telescope, Cerro Tololo, Chile, 2019. (photo: Michael Jones McKean Studio) / Teignmouth Electron in situ, 2017. (photo: All in Favor Productions). At top of page: Teignmouth Electron in situ, 2017.



Michael Jones McKean (b. Micronesia; lives/works in New York, New York; Richmond, Virginia; and Morvan, France) has received numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and fellowships from the MFAH Core Program, International Studio and Curatorial Program, Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, MacDowell Colony, Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, and Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, among many others. McKean is an Associate Professor of Sculpture + Extended Media at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he has taught since 2006.